1. In what capacities do you stock this gantry crane? 4,400 lbs. capacity (but other versions are available here). This is the small version of the product.
2. Why would I choose this gantry over others in the range? You can leverage the benefits of a lightweight, portable, folding, aluminum lifting system—but in a smaller version.
3. What is the adjustable height range? 5’ 3 ¼” and 7’ 8 ¾”.
4. What beam length adjustable clear spans are available? Six:
- 8’ 2 ½” and 5’ 2 ¼”
- 9’ 10” and 6’ 9 ¾”
- 12’ 10 ¼” and 9’ 10”
- 15’ and 11’ ¾”
- 18’ ½” and 15 ¼”
- 27’ 6 ¾” and 24’ 6 ½”
5. What is the crane made from? Aluminum.
6. Can I fold the crane up before moving it to another location? Yes: it is a lightweight, portable, folding, aluminum lifting system.
7. Is the crane rated for goods and personnel? Yes: it can be one, two, or three-person ANSI-compliant for fall arrest.
8. Might I be able to use the crane instead of a tripod? Yes: it is often used as a safer alternative to a tripod for confined space work.
9. Is it easily stored? The frames easily fold onto the beam, forming a compact, storable unit.
10. Do you stock other portable gantry cranes? Yes: we stock a full range of Reid gantries.
11. Can I order multiple cranes? Yes: there is a drop-down menu on the product page.