1. In what capacities do you stock this gantry crane? 4,400 lbs. capacity.
2. What beam lengths / adjustable clear spans are available? Six:
- 8’ 2 ½” and 5’ 2 ¼”
- 9’ 10” and 6’ 9 ¾”
- 12’ 10 ¼” and 9’ 10”
- 15’ and 11’ ¾"
- 18’ ½” and 15’ ¼”
- 27’ 6 ¾” and 24’ 6 ½”
3. What is the adjustable height range? 7’ 2 ¼” and 10’ 5 ½”
4. What is the crane made from? Aluminum.
5. How many height and length options are available? Each Porta-Gantry system (intermediate) offers three height and length options, meaning nine variations are available at each capacity.
6. What does ‘intermediate’ mean? It is the intermediate range in a catalog that includes Rapide, various tall, and small products.
7. Can I fold the crane up before moving it to another location? Yes: it is a lightweight, portable, folding, aluminum lifting system.
8. To what applications is it suited? It is especially suited to the rigors of the industrial market.
9. Is the crane rated for goods and personnel? Yes: it can be one, two, or three-person ANSI-compliant for fall arrest.
10. Might I be able to use the crane instead of a tripod? Yes: it is often used as a safer alternative to a tripod for confined space work.
11. Is it easily stored? The frames easily fold onto the beam, forming a compact, storable unit.
12. Do you stock other portable gantry cranes? Yes: we stock a full range of Reid gantries.
13. Can I order multiple cranes? Yes: there is a drop-down menu on the product page.